Holland Horoscope

Holland Horoscope

Holland Horoscope

Combine the cosmic energies of contrived methodology, Basque superstition, local opinion, Bell Hooks, cheap internet astrological finds, and Hawaiian tarot until you have something that resembles a rant aimed towards providing easily forgotten insight into your week. That’s right, speaking to you right now…be sure to apply this information to any situation. Whether you are indulging in one more quick game of Uno or you are hopelessly searching the countryside for signs of bionic life. Learn to harness your creative energies in The Biggest Little City in the Universe. If after reading the following you are convinced that your week will be a bit richer due to my words then please find your nearest wishing well, fountain, or iridescent swimming pool and deposit something fancy. I am the person who cleans them out each Friday night…

November 36 (minus 6), 2007

Let the methodology begin****
So, you guessed it, the lucky number is 6 according to a random hit on La Intranet. Please turn to page 6 in your copy of “All About Love” by Bell Hooks (the lady with the mostest). Begin by reading the first paragraph:
“…person even if they are hurting or neglecting them. Since their feeling is that of cathexis, they insist that what they feel is love.”
Hmmm, the word Cathexis really stands out, lets take a look?
the investment of emotional significance in an activity, object, or idea.
the charge of psychic energy so invested.

Simply put, loving and cathecting are not the same. Cathexis is the feeling of being drawn to someone and enamored of them yet not so much being in love with them. How do you know the difference? How do you know it’s really love? Good question. Let’s continue the methodology onto the streets of Downtown Reno on a Friday night. Being that Reno an inherently transient community we ought to find a lot of diverse responses to the question, “How Do You Know it’s Love?”
1st response: “you never really do.” – Male, 21
2nd response: “The entire room turns to a flower.” – Male, 24
3rd response: “When the word love is a verb instead of a noun.” – Female, 26
4th response: “When you don’t keep score.” – Male, 48
5th response: “When something makes you the happiest you can be and it’s your escape.” – Female, 16
6th response: “When you don’t have to question your first intuition.” –Male, 16
7th response: “It’s a chemical reaction.” –Male, 24
8th response: “When someone will sacrifice their happiness for you.” – Female, 60
9th response: “When you look into that person’s eyes and you see your future.” –Male, 28

In order to decode all of these conflicting responses, I will need to reach into my hat and pull a Hawaiian Tarot card which reads: “Problems, Troubles.” After reading the translation of this card in the tarot book I feel comfortable stating that the “Problems. Troubles” card really means to get out of your yucky, boring, stagnant space of self loathing and self-neglect. It’s saying to focus on interdependence and self-love this week… Work towards intercepting self-degrading thoughts and behaviors and replacing them with thoughts like: I AM A UNIQUE AND TRIUMPHANT HUMAN BEING WHO DESERVES CARE AND SMALL TREASURES IN THE SHAPE OF FARM ANIMALS. or I AM READY TO COMMIT TO A VIGOROUS ROUTINE OF EXCERCISING MY INNER MUPPET.
Next, think of the person who makes you swoon towards the moon, the lady or mister who in your eyes is the pinnacle of attractiveness and goodness. Now, think of all of the love that you would be able to offer them. Okay, hold that feeling, get used to the feeling in your chest right now. Focus on turning all of that “outwardly expressed love” back into your hollow cavity until it is full of nothing but pressurized and “internally expressed love”!!
Now, Last step, position your left arm over your chest and do the same with your right arm, then squeeze a bit. Give a hug, get a hug.
To sum it all up: Create your own definitions of love and then treat yourself in the way that you would treat the person you think you love most.